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Ecopure courier bags biodegradeable

September 28, 2022

How Do ECOPure Courier Bags break down in Landfill ?

Biodegradeable and Degradable? So many terms! With so many confusing labels in the market, it’s essential to understand the meaning of these words when shopping for a new product. Biodegradable refers to materials broken down by microorganisms (Like bacteria) under natural conditions. Biodegradeable is an umbrella term used to describe materials made from something that can quickly decompose or break down. But biodegradable does not mean that material will break down in any given time or environment. Degradable is different from biodegradable or degradable because it means breaking down into smaller pieces over time rather than CO2 and water through biological processes, as with biodegradation.

 What does Biodegradeable mean?

Biodegradeable refers to materials broken down by microorganisms (Like bacteria) under natural conditions. Biodegradable is an umbrella term used to describe materials made from something that can quickly decompose or break down. But biodegradable does not mean that material will break down in any given time or environment.

 Biodegradable Packaging

Biodegradable Packaging can be made from a wide range of materials. These include Polylactic acid (PLA), Bagasse, Corn Starch, Wheat Starch and even Wood Pulp. These are usually fully compostable and biodegradable. It is important to note that packaging made from biodegradable materials will break down naturally. When used as intended, it will not break down in a landfill. Biodegradable Packaging is an excellent alternative to traditional packaging materials like plastic and paper that would not compost or biodegrade. Some products come with biodegradable packing tape too!

Biodegradeable and ECOpure Courier Bags

Biodegradeable ecopure courier bags are an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional ones made from plastic or paper. They are made from a material that can biodegrade. This means that they will break down in a landfill. So when should you place them in a landfill? You can be sure that they will break down and decompose over time. These bags are made from Ecopure additative, a degradable material that will break down when placed in a landfill.

What prevents plastics made with EcoPure® from degrading while in inventory or on the shelf?

EcoPure® treated products must be disposed of or kept in active microbial environments to biodegrade. Most warehouse and retail environments do not contain the microbes needed for biodegradation.

Final words

Regarding environmental impact, biodegradable materials may seem like a win-win. They can be broken down by microorganisms, making them less likely to end up in a landfill. However, they are not always a better alternative to traditional materials like plastic. Biodegradable materials can take a few days to several years to break down, depending on the environment they’re in.